Introduction of Shanghai Young Bakers 海上青焙坊简介

Introduction of Shanghai Young Bakers 海上青焙坊简介 Shanghai Young Bakers (SYB) provides a fully-sponsored French & Asian bakery training to disadvantaged Chinese youth. Due to the growing demand of bread on the Chinese market, SYB graduates easily find a stable, qualified job after graduation and pull themselves out of the poverty

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Let’s revisit the classics at the start of this new year! 让我们在新年的开端一起回味经典

Let’s revisit the classics at the start of this new year! 让我们在新年的开端一起回味经典 On the 14th of January, join us for a class on La Galette des Rois and Mille Feuille to learn the art of making traditional French puff pastry! 1月14日(星期六),加入我们学习制作传统法式风味的传统国王饼和千层酥的艺术队列中! La Galette des Rois or King’s Cake, is a

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The French Celebration with La Galette des Rois 与国王饼一起庆祝法式传统节日

The French Celebration with La Galette des Rois 与国王饼一起庆祝法式传统节日 Order your King’s Cake now! 快来订购你的国王饼! La Galette de Rois, or King’s Cake is a way for the French to celebrate Epiphany, or the 12th day of Christmas. This special day falls on 6th January and marks the end of the

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Wake and Bake: Shanghai youth apprenticeship charity delivers hope and French bread 睁眼看世界,烘焙学手艺:上海青年学徒公益项目烤出法式面包并带来崭新希望

Global Times: Shanghai youth apprenticeship charity delivers hope and French bread 环球时报:上海青年学徒公益项目烤出法式面包并带来崭新希望 Read the original article… 阅读原文... “Give an orphan some bread, you feed him for a day; teach him how to bake, you feed him for a lifetime.” Running under this motto, Shanghai Young Bakers (SYB) have, since its

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Hand in hand, bake a love-filled Christmas 联手烘焙一个有爱的圣诞节

Hand in hand, bake a love-filled Christmas 联手烘焙一个有爱的圣诞节 On December 18th, 2016, Shanghai Young Bakers joined hands with Croissants de France to offer a bakery class to members of the Shanghai Overseas Returned Scholars Association (SORSA). As it was only a week before the Christmas, biscuit decorations with the Christmas

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Alliance Française youngest students decorated Christmas biscuit 海上青焙坊与上海法语中心的小学员们一起欢庆圣诞

Alliance Française youngest students decorated Christmas biscuits 海上青焙坊与上海法语中心的小学员们一起欢庆圣诞 On Saturday, December 17th, the Alliance Française in Shanghai (The French School) and the Shanghai Young Bakers organized an activity together for Alliance Française’s youngest students. As it was only a week before Christmas, the young students studying French enjoyed decorating Christmas

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Being part of a larger movement: experience-sharing with SYB’s Southeast Asian counterparts 成为一份子:与海上青焙坊东南亚的同伴们的经验分享

Being part of a larger movement: experience-sharing with SYB’s Southeast Asian counterparts 成为一份子:与海上青焙坊东南亚的同伴们的经验分享 On 14th December 2016, Shanghai Young Bakers was proud to be invited to Bangkok, to participate in the first annual meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Social Enterprises for Training in Hospitality & Catering (ASSET-H&C). 2016年12月14日,海上青焙坊第一次荣幸受邀出席在曼谷召开的东南亚社会企业协会餐饮培训业年会(ASSET –

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SYB 2016 Nov Newsletter 海上青焙坊2016年11月简报月刊

My two fulfilling years at SYB 我在海上青焙坊充实的两年 Read the full newsletter here… 阅读月刊全文… It has been two and a half years and I can still recall what it was like when I first joined the Shanghai Young Bakers team in May 2014. I was passionate about China and its people,

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