Wake and Bake: Shanghai youth apprenticeship charity delivers hope and French bread 睁眼看世界,烘焙学手艺:上海青年学徒公益项目烤出法式面包并带来崭新希望

Global Times: Shanghai youth apprenticeship charity delivers hope and French bread


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“Give an orphan some bread, you feed him for a day; teach him how to bake, you feed him for a lifetime.” Running under this motto, Shanghai Young Bakers (SYB) have, since its founding, given 184 disadvantaged youth from China’s countryside a second chance in life through its apprentice-based learning program.


Launched in 2009 by a team of 12 French volunteers with the support of Shanghai Charity Foundation and the French Consulate, SYB provides one year of free French bakery training to impoverished Chinese youth aged 17 to 23, enabling them to find qualified jobs and lead independent lives after graduation.


“The founders realized that a lot of teenagers will drop out of school and not have the opportunity to continue studying after middle school. They also realize that in Shanghai there is real lack of qualified bakers. They decided to open this opportunity to the teenagers,” Marine Vitré, the program director of SYB, told the Global Times.


In addition to financial support from socially responsible companies and foundations, SYB also benefits from donations of high-quality ingredients and ovens. Since 2011, SYB has its own social enterprise, offering bakery and pastry classes, team-building activities, catering services and attending weekend markets to make the program more sustainable.



Intensive training


Each year the SYB program accepts around 30 students. It works in participation with eight NGOs from across China who recommend and follow students joining the program. They do on-site interviews of applicants and give priority to those who suffer from family or economic difficulties.


“Some of the children do not have parents. Some of the parents are sick, ill or jailed. Usually the parents can’t afford to pay for school for their children,” Vitré said.


After the selection process, students are brought to Shanghai for intensive training, including French bakery and pastry classes taught by SYB graduates, Chinese bakery classes, life skill lessons by a teacher from East China Normal University and English classes organized by NGO partner Stepping Stones.

在面试挑选过程结束后, 这些学生被带到上海,开始进行密集的培训,这其中包括由海上青焙坊的往届毕业生担任老师讲授的法式面包和甜品烘焙课,国内的西式面点师培训,由华东师范大学老师讲授的生活技能课,以及由另一家非政府组织“铺路石青少年发展中心”组织的英语课等。

Based on the European training concept “alternance,” the program allows students to gain baking and life skills by alternating two weeks of classes at school with two weeks of practical internships at five partner star hotels.


“Most will continue to work at the hotels where they did internships, with 84 percent of our students staying in Shanghai after graduation. Only 5 percent go back home and the rest seek jobs in other cities,” Vitré said.



Financial and emotional rewards

Ruan (first name omitted due to privacy), an 18-year-old male from Shaanxi Province, is from the latest batch of trainees at SYB’s program. He was working in a local restaurant as a waiter prior to coming to Shanghai.


“I was both nervous and excited when they came to interview me at a train station. And when I finally received their offer I was too excited to fall asleep because I could finally tell people ‘I am a baker,'” Ruan told the Global Times.


Becoming a baker, however, required more hard work than Ruan originally expected. “It took me eight steps to learn how to make bread from scratch. And summers are very hot staying near the oven all day. My clothes often get soaked in sweat,” Ruan said.


Ruan nonetheless persisted, and now his dedication is beginning to pay off, both financially and emotionally. “Every day I take pictures of bread I made and send it to my family. I have mailed two packages of bread to grandma, but she put it in the freezer because she wants to save it for my grandpa’s birthday,” Ruan smiled.


Even on weekends, Ruan’s entire days are occupied, including master classes with a French chef, visiting the campus of Fudan University, helping other charity organizations and selling their handmade bread at weekend markets.


“The students have already changed a lot from the day we first interviewed them,” Vitré said. “They are really not the same. On the day of interview they are so stressed. Even after they arrive in Shanghai, they are confused. It’s a new world opening to them and they don’t know anything about it.”


“But after a while they become confident and realize that they are making progress,” she said.



Trainees from Shanghai Young Bakers learn how to make bread. Photos: Qi Xijia/GT


Reporter: QI Xijia
