Bakery in China:Louis Lesaffre Bakery World Cup 中华烘焙:路易乐斯福杯全球烘焙师大赛

Earlier in November, the Chinese Team consisting of Zhang Zheng Hai, Zhou Bin and Xu Zhiliang competed in the Louis Lesaffre Cup Asia Pacific Selection

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中华烘焙 Delivering Hope through Baking

On November 5th, Christian Vabret, MOF Baker and principal of EFBPA, took the opportunity to make a stop in Shanghai and meet the Young Bakers on his way to Jakarta for the Asian Bakery Competition.

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微竹: 海上法式烘焙梦


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高峰傲Gafencu: 爱心烘焙

公益组织海上青焙坊(Shanghai Young Bakers)的第七届学生近日毕业了。该组织致力于为来自困难家庭的青少年无偿提供1年的免费法式烘焙技术训练,让他们学习法式烘焙、中式烘焙和英语等课程,使得他们在毕业后找到合适的就业机会。

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SYB on the rise 海上青焙坊:当法式浪漫遇上公益项目

Seven years ago, a group of 12 French friends who had been living in China for years realized that the local bakery business was booming but the market was being challenged by an acute shortage of good bakers with proper French bakery training...

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La France en Chine: Cérémonie de remise des diplômes des Shanghai Young Bakers

Le lundi 20 juillet 2015, se tenait la 7ème cérémonie de remise des diplômes des Shanghai Young Bakers...

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新华网:“海上青焙坊”(Shanghai Young Bakers)七年让120多名贫困青年找到生活之路

Li Bin, an eighteen-year-old teenager from Gansu province of China, has graduated from Shanghai Young Bakersand signed a contract with Lesaffer the French yeast company, thus becoming a master baker...

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La France en Chine:

Lancé en 2008 par la Jeune chambre économique française (JCEF), l’association Shanghai Young Bakers (SYB) enseigne la boulangerie et pâtisserie française à des jeunes adultes chinois défavorisés de 17 à 23 ans...

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