Asia Pacific Baker: Profile: Shanghai Young Bakers

Asia Pacific Baker: Profile: Shanghai Young Bakers

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France 5: ECHAPPÉES BELLES – CHINE, UN VOYAGE DANS LE TEMPS Click here to watch the full version:

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ECONOMY: “A New Life Coming From Bakery” 碳商:”烘焙出一个未来”

中文以下 The 11th of May was a rainy Sunday but Pascal Tepper, a top French Baker who had come to Shanghai for the 18th China Bakery Exhibition 2014 , paid no attention to the weather. As soon as he landed, he rushed to the Shanghai Young Bakers’(SYB for short) baking

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WOMEN OF CHINA : “Tasty and Heartwarming – Bakeries Opened to Support People with Special Needs”

Countless people the world over frequent bakeries. In China, several “special” bakeries have opened in recent years. How are they special? The bakeries have a common objective: To create employment for handicapped people and disadvantaged individuals. Of course, the bakeries specialize in producing tasty loaves of bread, cakes and cookies.

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Global Times:

Celia Wang proudly shows her diploma at the graduation ceremony in July. Photo: Yang Lan/GT July 21 was a very big day for 20-year-old Celia Wang. That was the day the girl from Henan Province graduated. Along with her 26 classmates, Wang was given her diploma and walked out into

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120名贫困生受益烘焙培训 120 underprivileged students benefit from bakery training

120名贫困生受益烘焙培训 本报讯 近日,公益机构海上青焙坊的29名受助学生顺利毕业。经过一年针对贫困青少年展开的免费培训,这29名学生一同学习法式烘焙和西点,中式烘焙、生活技能课和英语课。同时他们也获得了去索菲特酒店、JW万豪酒店等知名大酒店实习的机会。据了解,海上青焙坊致力于为来自困难家庭17—23岁的青少年无偿提供一年的免费法式烘焙技术训练,以使得他们可以在毕业后找到合适的就业机会并自力更生。截至目前,已有超过120名毕业生。 记者 陈诗松 120 underprivileged students benefit from bakery training Recently, 29 students supported by the Non-profit Organization Shanghai Young Bakers have successfully graduated. After the one-year training course for those underprivileged teenagers, the 29 students have learnt French bakery and pastry, Chinese bakery, life skills and English

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东方网:“贫困学子变身法式大厨 复古剧场见证法兰西之爱””Chinese underprivileged Youths Become Experts in French Bakery; From France with Love at Vintage Theatre”

东方网:“贫困学子变身法式大厨 复古剧场见证法兰西之爱” 28名来自中国各地的贫困学子日前从烘焙学校海上青焙坊毕业,全都获得豪华大酒店的工作机会。毕业典礼在复古美丽的The Pearl剧场举行。 海上青焙坊(Shanghai Young Bakers)是由12个法国志愿者于2008年成立的公益组织,致力于为来自困难家庭的青少年无偿提供一年的免费法式烘焙技术训练。截至目前已经有超过120名毕业生。 2013年8月,来自中国各地的28名同学开始了在海上青焙坊的学习。他们在一起学习法式烘焙和西点、中式烘焙、生活技能课和英语课。同时他们也有去豪华大酒店实习的机会。 在毕业典礼上,许多围绕“爱自法兰西:与烘焙俊杰共度剧场之夜”这一主题的活动都在此展开:例如艺术面包评选比赛、由学生制作的美味法式面包、法式主题照相留影等,知名的法籍歌手戴亮也献唱了中文歌曲。”Chinese underprivileged Youths Become Experts in French Bakery; From France with Love at Vintage Theatre” 28 underprivileged youth from rural China recently graduated from Shanghai Young Bakers, all of which obtained job offers from luxury hotels. The graduation ceremony was held at

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新民晚报社区版:“海上青焙坊免费提供法式烘焙技术培训 帮助中国贫困青少年争取就业机会” Xinmin Evening Post:” Shanghai Young Bakers Offers French Bakery Training for Chinese Underprevilieged Youth for Free to Help them Obtain the Job and Live an Independent Life.”

新民晚报社区版:“海上青焙坊免费提供法式烘焙技术培训 帮助中国贫困青少年争取就业机会” 海上青焙坊(以下简称SYB)是由12名法国志愿者于2008年成立的公益组织,致力于为来自中国贫困家庭17-23岁的青少年无偿提供一年的免费法式烘焙技术培训。在整个培训过程中,学员们不仅可以完成传统西式烘焙技术学习,还可以再国际性大酒店中获得实习机会。截至目前已经有超过120名毕业生,毕业之后所有学生都会拿到两个以上的工作录取。 学员汪宝莉自幼失去了母亲,为了供她和弟弟读书,他们的爸爸不得不非常努力地工作,而贫困的家境使小汪不得不在高中之前就发起了学习打工以维持家里的生计,可是她所做的一切根本就改变不了家里的经济状况。 2013年八月份通过面试和审核,他和来自中国各地的28民同学一起开始了在SYB为期一年的学习,他们在一起学习法式烘焙和西点、中式烘焙、生活技能课和英语课。在实习期间她被分配去了上海金茂君悦大酒店学习更多的烘焙技术,用她自己的话来说他的名为在成为SYB第六届学生的那刻起就被完全改变了——她终于可以学到一门实用的技能来摆脱贫困! 一年的时间过去了,2014年7月21日对于小汪而言是个难忘的日子,因为这一天,她即将从SYB毕业,也将真正意义上踏入社会开始自主人生的第一步。 相信7月21日对所有SYB的烘焙师而言都是一个里程碑,因为这是属于他们的毕业典礼!许多围绕“爱自法兰西:与烘焙俊杰共度剧场之夜”这一主题的活动都会在这天展开,同时,这也是一个令人感动的夜晚。许多酒店、餐馆和面包店都会前来向SYB毕业学生展示他们的基业机会,并进行面对面的面试和交流。法国驻上海大使Emmanuel Lenain将作演讲,知名的法籍歌手戴亮也献唱了中文歌曲。相信在中法建交50周年之际,这样的活动也将给两国的友谊添上绚烂的一笔。 Xinmin Evening Post:” Shanghai Young Bakers Offers French Bakery Training for Chinese Underprevilieged Youth for Free to Help them Obtain the Job and Live an Independent Life.” Shanghai Young Bakers, a charity program founded by 12 French volunteers in 2008, aims to

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