解放牛网(Jiefang Daily) – 海上青焙坊”助力贫困孩子成为法式面包师 (SYB helps children in difficulty to become French bakers)

解放牛网(Jiefang Daily)
June 10th 2011

(SYB helps children in difficulty to become French bakers)


叶正 即时播报 钱晨祎



“海上青焙坊”在2009年启动,至今,来自全国各地的50多名贫困家庭的孩子参加了培训,陈祥鸽是其中的一位。他出生于河南,11岁、12岁时父母先后 去世,年幼的他被山东荷泽的一个家庭收养。“海上青焙坊”通过智行基金会了解了小陈的情况,让他来到上海的“海上青焙坊”培训,如今他已成为一个技艺不错 的面包师,已有知名企业要聘用他。


高大俊朗的法国人高骞,出身于一个面包师家庭。他学过工科,后来又为当地孩子做过公益工作,免费教授英语、法语。在法国学过中文后,萌生了来中国的梦想。 他经过培训取得了面包师证书后,来到中国。在上海5年后,中文说得更地道了。他说,“在法国学习了面包烘焙技艺,又当过的教师。我有教育经验和面包制作技 艺,参加‘海上青焙坊’的培训工作,非常合适。”他应邀到“海上青焙坊”传授技艺,工作得非常出色。为支持他的公益活动,法国的一家酵母制造公司乐斯福聘 任他当产品研发和技术支持工作,他现在能够将一半的时间用于“海上青焙坊”公益培训工作。他给学员们讲解面包制作流程,从配料、发酵、切面到造型、烘烤, 以及掌握酸碱度、菌种等理论知识,成为学员们交口称赞的好老师。

“海上青焙坊”的培训教材由法因欧里亚克烘焙培训学校协助设计。他们为学员准备了西式面点师5级和4级职业资格证的考试,资格证书由上海市劳动与社会保障 局颁发。“海上青焙坊”与上海市曹杨职业技术学校结成合作伙伴,为从全国各地来到上海的贫困孩子可以在学校食宿,并学习数学、英语、语文和计算机等课目。 还能学习职校开的西式面点师课程和文化课程;在曹杨职校帮助下,孩子们也能报名参加统一的西式面点师考试,拿到国家认可的执业证书和文凭。


本文栏目:社会 作者:钱晨祎

English Translation:

21-year old Chen Xiangge opened the oven and took out the bread made by him and other students. The kitchen was full of the special scent of fresh baked bread. French would say this is the real baguette.)

21-year old Chen Xiangge opened the oven and took out the bread made by him and other students. The kitchen was full of the special scent of fresh baked bread. French would say this is the real baguette.

‘Shanghai Young Bakers’ (SYB) was originally started by a group of French people living in Shanghai to help orphans or children from single-parent families or families under difficult condition. Since then, more than 50 students have graduated and have started working in either 5-star hotels or bakery shops as accomplished French bakery chefs.

SYB started in 2009. Now, more than 50 students from all around the country have attended this training course, among who is Chen Xiangge. He was born in Henan province and he lost his father and mother when he was 11 and 12. Then he was adopted by a family in Heze, Shandong. Through Chi Heng Foundation, SYB got to know about his situation and offered him this SYB training opportunity. Now, he has become a good baking chef and been offered several jobs by famous companies.

Thomas Meron (Chinese name Ma Hong Rui) is the project manager of SYB. He is originally from France and can speak Chinese very well. ‘Western pastry and cakes is becoming more and more popular these days in Shanghai.’ He said, ‘however there are not enough decent French bakery shops around. This French baking training program would offer good career opportunities to our students.’

Thomas Kalkhoven (Chinese name Gao Qian) is from a baker family in France. He used to study engineering and then did volunteer work for local kids, teaching English and French for free. He started dreaming of coming to China after he learned Chinese in France. After finishing his training for the bakery certificate, he came to China. Being in Shanghai for 5 years, his Chinese is getting even better now. He said, ‘I had learned how to bake and I had been teaching as well back in France. I have got both baking techniques and teaching experience. It is perfect for me to join SYB program.’ He has been doing an excellent job after being invited to teach for SYB. To support his charity work, Lesaffre, the French yeast company, decided to hire him for their R&D and technical support. Now he can spend half of his time on SYB training program. He explains to the students about the process of bread making, ingredients, fermentation, cutting, shaping and baking. Also, he teaches them basic knowledge about yeast and how to control acidity. All the students like him very much.

SYB training program and materials are prepared with the help of EFBA (Ecole Française de Boulangerie d’Aurillac). The course is designed to get the qualification of western bakery level 5 and 4, issued by Shanghai Labor and Social Security Bureau. SYB collaborate with Shanghai Caoyang Vocational School for accommodation and other basic courses such as maths, English, Chinese and computer science. With the help of Caoyang School, our students can also take part in the qualification exams and get the certificate validated by Chinese government.

This charity program is sponsored by Carrefour Foundation and Lesaffre. In addition, Carrefour, Sofitel and Hilton and other hotels provide internship for the students.

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