流行色报道:美国开心果种植者协会海上青焙坊慈善之行 Fashion Colour Report: The Charity Trip of Assoication of American Pistachio Growers to SYB

Fashion Colour Report: The Charity Trip of theAmericanPistachioGrowers Association to SYB

The use of American pistachios has increased as bakery keeps developing in China. Recently, The Association of American Pistachio Growers, together with its ambassador, Miss California Leah Cecil, visited Shanghai Young Bakers in order to donate to this charity program and pass on love and happiness to people in need.

SYB is a charity organization created by French volunteers, which provides a free vocational training in traditional French bakery to underprivileged youth aged 17-23, as well as providing them with free accommodation, thus empowering them to live an independent life after graduation. Jim Zion, chairman of APG, explained why they would like to make this donation at the beginning of the event. “APG is an organization possessed with social responsibility. We take public welfare as a duty as we extend the pistachio market. During the past years working in China, we’ve had great support from the society. We hope to give back to society. APG would like to promote a fun, healthy, green lifestyle for everyone through its products, we hope that everyone can eat happily and lead a joyful life.”

Leah is beautiful and healthy, and she also loves doing charity. As she said, “Charity is not only about donating. Everyone can make a difference by doing small things. When I was in university, I was a community volunteer. We prepared food and cleaned clothes for homeless people, bought daily necessities or drugs for old people, and organized a charity auction for underprivileged people. As an ambassador of beauty, my mission is not only to deliver beauty, but also to convey love, because giving love is the most beautiful thing in the world.”

Translated by Ina Gu