Shanghai Young Bakers 2013 Graduates Share their Success Stories to Celebrate charity program’s 5 year Milestone 海上青焙坊成立5周年 2013届毕业生分享成功故事

Shanghai Young Bakers 2013 Graduates Share their Success Stories to Celebrate charity program’s 5 year Milestone

SHANGHAI, China. July 15, 2013 – Shanghai Young Bakers (, a non-profit organization, aimed at improving the lives of disadvantaged youth in China through French and Asian bakery training, announced that all 20 students from its 2013 class have graduated from the organization’s fifth enrollment.

The 2013 graduation ceremony highlighted SYB success stories by inviting its most successful graduates to share their experience. Zhang Zhenghai, one of the top graduates from the class of 2009 gave a speech at the ceremony. With the sponsorship by Carrefour Foundation, he, along with two other 2009 graduates learnt French at Alliance Française so that to continue their baking studies in France and graduated with the C.A.P. Diploma at Ecole Francaise de Boulangerie d’Aurillac (EFBA). After that, they returned to SYB in 2011 and became teachers. “When I joined SYB I was hoping to learn a skill to support myself and my family. I have made these dreams come true ever since and I can even give back to society by being a teacher at SYB. I teach the most I can to the students and we give them the warmth of a family. SYB was a turning point for me, if it was not for the training I would probably still be working in a factory.”, said Zhang Zhenghai. Next year, another batch of students will be sent to France to further their baking studies, just like their three teachers did in the past.

Inspired by a social bakery in Vietnam, a team of 12 French friends started Shanghai Young Bakers as a social innovation project in 2008. They discovered that the bakery market was booming in China due to the rapid growth of bakeries and 4/5 stars hotels. However, qualified bakers were still lacking, given that no French bakery training existed in China so far. Shanghai Young Bakers was thus created so that to equip the underprivileged with a skill that is needed on the job market. During the one-year training, apart from bakery classes and practical internships in hotels such as Sofitel, Marriott and Hyatt, life skills and English classes have been added to further the graduates’ career development opportunities. Since its inception in 2008, around 100 students have successfully graduated and a number of them are now working in hotels and bakeries such as JW Marriott, Pantry’s Best and House of Flour.

“SYB helped me beyond any expectations.” Jiang Zhaosheng, first batch graduate, stated, “When I joined I was just hoping that I could eat more food as I would be a baker. But the first time I smelt the bread I had baked, I was very moved and decided to make a career in that industry. I have fulfilled all my plans one by one and I’m now proud to be a baker at Sunflour bakery. ”

The students’ achievements also stuck a deep chord in Floriane Lemoine, current SYB Program Manager’s heart. “When I look at our students, I realize how every single one of them has been transformed by their one year experience at Shanghai Young Bakers.”, said Floriane, “They are more smiling, outgoing, self-confident. They have set clear goals for themselves and, most importantly, they believe that they can achieve them. Equipped with high-level skills in French pastry and bakery, I trust that they will be able to easily secure jobs in that industry and to lead a dignified and independent life.”

The graduation ceremony led by the French Consul General of Shanghai, Mr. Emmanuel Lenain was held at the Melting Pot. As he put it, “The bakery and pastry training that Shanghai Young Bakers provides to disadvantaged Chinese youth is an admirable testimony to French savoir-faire. Created by 12 French volunteers, SYB charity program illustrates the remarkable commitment and integration of our fellow citizens in their host country. The apprenticeship of artisanal bakery enables around 30 underprivileged youth per year to find a job in a sector with many job opportunities. In 5 years it has greatly contributed to the standing of French culinary traditions in China.” Aside from Mr. Lenain, Mr. Xu Benliang from the Shanghai Charity Foundation also presented the graduates their diplomas. Prior to the graduation ceremony, SYB organized a career fair where graduates were provided with the opportunity to meet potential employers, such as Sunflour.

海上青焙坊成立5周年 2013届毕业生分享成功故事

中国上海2013年7月15日 – 海上青焙坊(日前宣布其2013届20名学生顺利毕业,这20名学生也是海上青焙坊的第五届毕业生。据了解,公益组织海上青焙坊旨在向中国贫困青年提供法式和中式烘焙培训,并借此改善他们的生活状况。

学员们的成功故事是今年毕业典礼的亮点,最成功的毕业生们被邀请前来分享他们的经历。海上青焙坊2009年的优秀毕业生之一张政海在典礼上发表了演讲。2010年,在法语联盟学习法语后,他和2009届的另外两名优秀毕业生一起,在家乐福基金会的赞助下,前往法国顶级烘焙学校:奥利亚克烘焙学校(EFBA)深造并取得CAP技能证书。学成之后,三人于2011年回到海上青焙坊担任烘焙培训师。张政海表示:“当初我加入海上青焙坊,是希望自己能够掌握一门技能,能养活自己和我的家人。如今我的这些理想已经实现了,我甚至可以通过在海上青焙坊担任培训师来回馈社会。我把我所知道的都教给我的学生们,给他们家的温暖。海上青焙坊是我人生的转折点,如果没有在这里的培训,我现在可能就是一个在工厂打工的工人。” 据了解,明年春天,张政海培训过的学员将赴法国接受烘焙培训,如他当年一样。




此次毕业典礼在The Melting Pot举行,由法国驻沪总领事伊曼纽尔•卢力捷致开幕词。他表示:“海上青焙坊提供给中国贫困青年的烘焙培训是对法式专业技术的最好证明。这一由12名法国志愿者发起的公益项目展现了我们的同胞在中国做出的贡献和对中国环境的融入。每年,这一手工烘焙课程帮助大约30名贫困青年找到工作。在过去的5年中,它为法式烹饪传统在中国生根发芽做出了巨大的贡献。”上海慈善教育培训中心副主任徐本亮先生也协同卢力捷先生一起为学员们颁发了毕业证书。在毕业典礼开始之前,海上青焙坊还举办了小型的招聘会,为毕业生们提供与未来雇主,如阳光粮品等公司洽谈的机会。