Meeting with Pastry Chef Alex: the final stretch before the internships begin 实习开始前的最后准备:对话西点师薛琦

Meeting with Pastry Chef Alex: the final stretch before the internships begin

The Young Bakers are now in the final week of the intensive training that they are following before starting their internships. So that to better prepare them to the working environment of luxury hotels, we decided to ask a Master Chef to share some advice with the students.

On Saturday 5th October 2013, Pastry Chef Alex from Pullman Shanghai South came over to our partner school, Caoyang Vocational School. After sharing with the students his education background and his professional experience, Alex gave them the golden rules that each intern should know before starting their internship. Unsurprisingly, hygiene rules came first. Thanks to the hygiene training taught by Carrefour Wuning, our students were already aware of these rules. He also gave them very useful tips on how to have an appropriate behaviour with colleagues and customers.

Afterwards, our students asked him many concrete questions regarding the internship in the hotel. One could hear a hint of worry in their voice. Fortunately, Alex reassured them by telling funny stories and by giving precious advice. In a serious yet relaxed atmosphere, the students had the opportunity to learn many things from Alex’s impressive 18 years of working experience. They are now ready to start their internships!

Many thanks again to Pastry Chef Alex for his time and his support!

Hélène, SYB partnerships coordinator





