Brian Tan – HoF

On this cold but sunny Sunday, February 19th, our students, teachers anf staff gathered at the Lujiazui branch of House of Flour (HoF) to attend a demonstration organized by Brian Tan.

A TV team was there, as they were following Brian during the whole week for a report, but the students didn’t seem intimidated as they’re quite used to having journalists coming, taking pictures or filming them at the Baking Centre!

Brian chose for his demonstration one of his famous chocolate brownies. Not only a brilliant Chef, Brian is also extremely friendly and managed to turn the demonstration into a lively sharing with the students. Testing their knowledge on bakery and pastry, he asked them to guess the steps of the recipe, and gave them useful tips. Watching his precise and fluent gestures, the students seemed respectful, lots of them wondering how long it would take them to reach the top. It also was very interesting for them to see how every Chef has its own method and that this recipe could be very different from what they had done in class or in the hotels they’re interning at.

While the brownie was in the oven (20minutes, so that it’s not melting and breaking, and can be cut into individual pieces, but still very soft inside), Brian presented his background. He explained his own story and how he came from making Kopi coffee, not knowing anything about bakery or pastry at the age of 20, to becoming Chef and have his own three branches of HoF desserts-bar in Shanghai. Still very humble, he gave many advice to the students and especially to hold on their passion, work hard to reach their goals and not give up when facing difficulties.

The students asked him many questions and certainly saw this demonstration as an inspiration for their own vocation. In the end, Brian confessed he was really impressed with the dynamism and motivation of this 4th SYB promotion, and happy with the fact they dared expressing themselves and question him!

By the way, do we need to mention how delicious the brownie was? 🙂

在这个阳光普照的周日,我们的老师,学员和员工们齐聚在Hof陆家嘴店,观摩了由Brian Tan亲自操刀的一次蛋糕制作过程。

有一对电视采访小组也在那里,他们已经跟随Brian Tan一周为了撰写报告,但是学员们已经对记者在烘焙中心的采访,拍摄太习惯了,所以他们表现的十分自然




