SYB and Les Louveteaux

On Saturday February 25th 2012, the Louveteaux of Shanghai, a branch of the French Club Scout, gathered for a whole afternoon of “speculoos” and cup-cakes baking under the direction of Flore XIAO (Xiao Jinjin) and Nora WANG (Wang Li), the two trainers of SYB – previous student of the 1st class- who have spent 8 months in France to be trained to a Bakery CAP (French bakery vocational diploma level 1).

After cooking speculoos of various shapes (fish, christmas tree, crab, etc), a competition of the best cup-cake decoration was organised among “Les petits Louveteaux”.

Welcome back any time !

More pictures on Flick’R

By Céline Le Cotonnec