United celebration – 联合的庆祝大会 – by Berit

United Celebration – 联合的庆祝大会

On Monday, Shanghai Young Bakers´s (SYB) students, teachers, volunteers and employees gathered to celebrate three occasions: Chung To’s birthday (the founder and director of Chi Heng Foundation), the Lantern Festival and the last day of Chinese New Years.

上周一 慈善项目海上青焙坊的学生,教师,志愿者和员工齐聚一堂,庆祝三种场合, 杜聰的生日(智行基金会的创始人和董事), 元宵节和中国农历年的最后一天。

Three big round tables were filled with people, good food and a warm ambiance. Although it was To´s birthday, it was the birthday child himself that was carrying gifts, small gifts to his SYB students. Before receiving the presents, each student shared his/her New Year’s wishes and resolutions. Majority of the student’s wishes were about good health, and about achieving good results at their internships.

人,良好的食物和气候变暖的氛围充满了三个大的圆桌会议。虽然是 杜先生自己的生日,但他也带来礼品,小礼品到他的慈善项目海上青焙坊的学生。之前收礼物,学生们分享他们的新年愿望和决议。大部分学生的愿望是身体健康和并在他们的实习实现了良好的效果。

Before the evening ended, a large cake made by one of the SYB teachers was carried out. Everyone was astonished by the size and probably also by the work that stood behind this piece of cake. After everyone got their piece of it, the verdict was unanimous: the cake tasted even better than it looks. The perfect ending to a joyful evening!

傍晚结束前,一个大蛋糕,由慈善项目海上青焙坊教师。每个人都感到惊讶的大小和可能也站在这块蛋糕背后的工作。 后,每个人都得到了他们的一块蛋糕, 表现出来生日蛋糕太美味了。一个欢乐的夜晚完美的结局 !

Text and pictures by Berit, SYB volunteer