青焙坊学员参加“乐斯富”杯首届法棍大赛 SYB takes part in Lesaffre first baguette competition


评审团主席由乐斯富烘焙中心总监David Bresard担任,评审团成员也均是烘焙行业中的翘楚,包括上海浦东嘉里大酒店的西点房厨师长等。第二天,评审会宣布了入围选手名单。不过很遗憾,青焙坊学员全都没有入选。对此,培训师王莉表示:“如果有人能入选,我们当然会十分激动。可是,我们也不能期望太高,毕竟学生们是跟有着丰富经验的烘焙大师们比赛。大家自今年开始,就十分努力,进步也很显著。身为他们的老师,这才是我最值得自豪的!”


On March 14th, SYB students took part in the first competition of the best traditional French baguette of Shanghai, organized by yeast producer Lesaffre. Every one of them had prepared a different kind of baguette. Some of the students were very creative, baking baguettes using rice alcohol or soy beans!

The judging panel was presided over by David Bresard, director of Lesaffre baking center, and featured high-level professionals such as the pastry chef of Kerry hotel. The results were announced the day after, and unfortunately none of the SYB students was among the winners. Bakery trainer Wang Li said, “Of course we would have been very excited if one of them had won; however, we can’t expect our young bakers to have the same level as master bakers that have years of experience! They have made tremendous progress since the beginning of the year, and as a teacher that’s what I’m the proudest of!”

Thanks to Lesaffre for organizing that event and for providing SYB with free yeast!