SYB graduate selected to join the Chinese team for the Louis Lesaffre Cup! 海上青焙坊优秀毕业学员将加入中国代表队, 参加法国乐斯福杯的比赛!

SYB graduate selected to join the Chinese team for the Louis Lesaffre Cup!

海上青焙坊优秀毕业学员将加入中国代表队, 参加法国乐斯福杯的比赛!

Following the national Lesaffre Cup held at Bakery China last May, a team composed of the winners of each of the three categories was chosen to represent China at the Asian Lesaffre competition which will be held in Jakarta, Indonesia in November 2015. At SYB we are very proud to have Zhang Zhenghai, one of SYB’ bakery teachers and graduate of the 1st batch of students, being among these three representatives!

即五月份在中国烘培展举办的乐斯福中国杯烘培大赛后,三位在比赛中脱颖而出的获胜者将代表中国参加于2015年11月在印度尼西亚,雅加达举办的乐斯福亚洲烘培大赛。值得骄傲的是,来自海上青焙坊的张政海老师,他也是第一批优秀毕业学员,作为三名获胜者的其中一员, 将参加亚洲烘培大赛。

In addition, an opportunity is given to a young baker (“jeune espoir”) aged between 18 and 21, to join this team. This is a unique chance to train with experienced bakers and thus acquire extremely useful knowledge and experience to develop his/her career!

除此之外, 18至21岁的青焙师(“jeune espoir”) 将有机会成为中国参赛团队的一员。对于青年烘培师而言,这将是一次千载难逢的机会,不但能得到经验丰富的大师的教导,更能为自己的职业发展增加宝贵的大赛经验。

In order to select this young baker among the network of SYB graduates (120 of them to date), on May 28th we organized an internal competition at our long-standing sponsor Lesaffre’ baking center.

为了在众多青培坊的毕业生中(目前为止一共毕业120名学员)选拔最优秀的年青烘焙师, 在5月28日, 借着海上青焙坊长期赞助商乐斯福的烘培中心,我们举办了一场内部的技术比武。

On that day, four SYB graduates competed in a very serious and professional environment, under the supervision of Lesaffre technician, Jack Wang and SYB bakery teacher, Zhang Zhenghai. Their goal: to produce the best looking and tasty baguette! The morning started in a very focused atmosphere by the making of the dough using yeast from Lesaffre and flour from our in-kind sponsor Grands Moulins de Paris. After a quick lunch break, the young bakers started baking their own creations and then came the time of the final evaluation and each graduate presented their best baguettes by introducing the making and baking process, cutting the baguette to show the texture, one of the most important way to recognize a good baguette.

比赛当天,在乐斯福技术总监王得志以及海上青焙坊张政海老师的指导下,四名毕业生展开了紧张激烈的比赛。他们的目标是:制作出最美味诱人的法棍。早晨的比赛聚焦在制作精良的面团, 参赛者使用了乐斯福提供的酵母以及我们的原料赞助商,巴黎大磨坊提供的面粉进行面团的制作。午餐后,参赛者们开始烘培创作独一无二的法棍。最后的品尝评分环节,选手们一一介绍各自的烘培过程, 并当场切法棍,以呈现其最好的材质。

After discussing, the two judges gave their final decision: Ma Mingze, graduate from the 6th batch and currently working at Jumeirah in Shanghai, was selected to join the national team! What an honor for SYB to have one of our bakery teachers as well as one graduate representing China for the international selections of the Lesaffre Cup!


In order to be prepared for this extremely competitive event, the team members will be training starting from June. Together, their team spirit, excellence and creativity will be tested during this competition between the different Asian countries including Japan and Korea as the international selections for the Coupe du Monde de la Boulangerie which will take place in February 2016 in Paris.

Let’s give them our warmest support and wish them best of luck for this upcoming challenge!

让我们一同送上最真挚的祝福以及支持, 祝愿他们在接下来的挑战中无往不利!


Program Director项目总监

Translated by April Yu


See more pictures of that day here :
