SYB&BWB 盲人烘焙课/ First baking class by SYB teachers in BWB baking school for the blind

July 29th/30th: first baking class by SYB teachers in BWB baking school for the blind

BWB students and employees attended two classes: a pastry class by Xiao Jinjin and a baking class by Zhang Zhenghai. The SYB students taught the BWB students one-on-one, which was a great way for them to bond. Although most of the students couldn’t speak Mandarin, Basang Lamu and Tse Drolkar,the two girls from BWB that joined SYB this year, acted as translators.

“Even though they had never really baked before, I was amazed by how well the BWB students did.” Wang Li, one of SYB trainers, said.

The SYB trainers adjusted their recipes to local taste, by reducing sugar and using Tibetan butter to replace butter for instance. Of course two days of bakery training are not enough, so Basang Lamu and Tse Drolkar will stay in Shigatse so that they can used what they have learned during their training at SYB to run BWB bakery school for the blind.

Watch SYB graduate Liu Zhenzhen teaching blind BWB staff how to knead on this video.

SYB&BWB 盲人烘焙课


根据当地的情况,SYB的老师也进行了相应的调整,比如减少了糖分,尝试用酥油来代替黄油等。 一堂课的时间毕竟是很短的,在SYB培训了一段时间的BWB成员巴桑拉姆和次卓嘎将在以后的日子里维持日喀则盲人面包房的运营和教学。为了更多的帮助她们,SYB的老师王莉和学员王会萍在日喀则多待了三天,为她们安排了更多的教学课程。谢谢BWB对我们的热情款待,也谢谢此行所有SYB的学员和老师!