SYB水族馆之行 The teambuilding activity at Shanghai Aquarium










On 2nd June, 2013, the students of Shanghai Young Bakers (SYB) took part in their aquarium teambuilding activity organized by INCLUDED.

Being punctual is one of the foremost responsibilities of a student. In that aspect, the SYB students had nothing to worry about – they were all waiting at the Aquarium’s entrance before nine. The students were divided into groups, each group with a checklist of tasks to do.

In this journey, the students had the chance to glimpse at many oceanic creatures they had never seen before. All the students were excited and joyful upon seeing sharks, turtles, and other enormous underwater animals. “Look, I took a picture of that shark’s teeth!” “Teacher, look – that fish is huge!” In these moments, the swiveling of their heads seemed almost too slow to catch all that was going on.

Throughout this ongoing jubilation, they did not forget the tasks they had to accomplish. Seeking out each item, taking a picture, and then yet another, and another – the process was never-ending!

The most difficult task for most of them was photographing themselves with strangers. One of the items on their checklist was to take a picture with a couple – and a flock of penguins. Seeing this task, I thought it would be impossible for them. Most of the married couples there that day had inevitably brought their children, and all their energies were focused on taking care of their children; whereas most unmarried couples were not willing to take pictures, either. However, my group simply refused to abandon this item. They went up to one pair after another, but every couple responded by saying, “Sorry, we’re busy”. After seeing them expend so much effort, I told them that they could take a picture of just themselves with the penguins for half the marks, but they adamantly refused, and continued their quest – and finally, there came a couple who agreed! This having been achieved, they celebrated a little – then hurried on to their next task.

Other groups faced their own particular hurdles: some groups had missing members, other groups organized their time poorly and so missed the animal-feeding, and yet others encountered problems taking group pictures because of the ever-present crowds! Still, despite all their franticness, no group missed the stunning beauty of the ocean.

We hope that these students will continue to grow and learn from their increasing experiences! Onward, SYB!

Written by Social Educator QUAN Li

Translated by Christine Kng