SYB students invited to visit Lesaffre Yeast Factory in Mingguang! 海上青焙坊学员受邀参观位于安徽明光的乐斯福酵母生产工厂!

SYB students invited to visit Lesaffre Yeast Factory in Mingguang!

On April the 13th, Shanghai Young Bakers students took the bus to the sunny province of Anhui where they were kindly invited to visit the Yeast Factory of Lesaffre in Mingguang.

Lesaffre is the world leader of Yeast and Yeast extract, and has been a strong partner of SYB since the inception of the program. The content of the training was developed thanks to the support of the baking experts of Lesaffre, who taught the three first batches of SYB students. Lesaffre then continued to support us through in-kind and financial sponsorship, and by sharing its expertise with SYB bakery teachers. ! They also provide unique opportunities to our students to discover behind-the-scenes of the baking world, by organizing a visit to their yeast factory for instance!

As future bakers, it is important for SYB students to be familiar with the products they use. Thanks to Lesaffre, if you ask them what exactly is yeast they will now be able to answer your question in details! After a warm welcome and lunch at the factory, all students were invited to listen to a very clear presentation of Lesaffre and its products by Mr Wu, production manager at the factory. Mr Wu’s humor and enthusiastic explanations lead the way to a more complicated science lesson that captivated everyone’s attention for over an hour ! With easy words and amusing comparisons, Mr Wu explained that yeast is a microorganism able to multiply quickly if given the right food : nutrients, water and a lot of sugar ! Most of these ingredients can be found in Molasses, a dark thick juice extracted from sugar cane or sugar beets that has a considerable amount of fermentable sugar. It all begins in the laboratory where yeast seeds are cultivated and controlled before they are allowed to grow. After growing a few hundreds of kilograms, scientists are able to feed the yeast with Molasses. According to Lesaffre employees at the factory, it takes 5 tons of molasses to make 1 ton of yeast !

After the presentation, SYB students happily put on their white lab coat and the visit started ! Mr Wu’s interesting scientific explanations had excited their curiosity and all of them had a great time discovering the factory’s laboratories. The visit went on through the factory’s galleries, from the imposing tanks containing the fermenting molasses to the separator, a machine separating molasses and newly produced yeast. Seeing the off-white « cream yeast » coming out from the separator was a very special moment for SYB students who couldn’t keep their eyes out of it !

The next step in yeast production depends on the type of yeast desired : active dry yeast, liquid yeast or instant yeast.

After taking a look at the packing procedure, the students also visited the factory’s warehouse that need to be kept under 18°C for a better conservation of the yeast. Talking about conservation, did you know instant yeast could be kept for 2 years and still be alive ?

If they had to make a conclusion on the visit, most students would probably say that there are many things a Baker must know to become a better Baker and knowing how to make a leavening agent as important as yeast is surely one of them ! Thanks to Lesaffre and its employees from the Mingguang Factory, SYB students had the opportunity to discover something only a few bakers experienced. A precious knowledge that will guide and help them through their future career !

Many thanks to Lesaffre and its employees for their refreshing welcome in their factory and for their long-standing contribution to our program !

Marion, Partnerships Development



乐斯福是全球领先的酵母和酵母提取物生产商,同时也是海上青焙坊从成立以来长期的合作伙伴。来自乐斯福公司的烘焙界大师们是我们前三届学生的老师,正是因为他们的支持,海上青焙坊的培训才得以发展。 之后乐斯福公司也继续在物资和资金方面给予我们很大的支持,并慷慨地为我们目前的老师提供专业技术支持。不仅是这些,乐斯福还特地为我们的学员安排了一次去乐斯福明光工厂的参观活动,以帮助他们更清楚地了解烘焙舞台幕后的故事。







