New Recipes, New You: embrace the health craze and learn to bake natural fruit cake and cranberry rye bread! 健康营养,冠军配方: 学习制作水果干面包与蔓越莓黑麦面包 !

New recipes, new you: embrace the health craze and learn to bake natural fruit bread and cranberry rye bread!
健康营养,冠军配方: 学习制作水果干面包与蔓越莓黑麦面包



On July 11th, SYB features all new recipes at a public baking class on natural fruit bread and cranberry rye bread. Join SYB and learn how to bake healthy bread recipes, both of which were developed by our award-winning baking instructor Zhang Zhenghai.


Participating in the class will also directly support SYB’s charity program. The profits from public classes and all other SYB commercial activities help fund one year of training in professional French bakery skills for disadvantaged Chinese youth. With these vocational skills, SYB students are able to find stable jobs and lead independent lives after graduation.

参与此次课程的所有学员都将为海上青焙坊的公益项目出一分力。所有对外课程以及其他社会企业项目的收入都将帮助海上青焙坊为中国贫困青少年提供一年免费法式烘焙培训。 这些青年在具备了烘焙这项技能后便有条件自立更生,养家糊口。

Learn to bake new SYB recipes, and support the SYB charity program by participating in our July 11th baking class! Please find event details and registration information below.


Event Details:

Date & Time: Saturday, July 11th, 9:00 am- 3:30 pm
Location: Shanghai Young Bakers Baking Center, Shanghai, Putuo District, Suide Road
Price: 500 yuan/ person + 100 yuan/ person for an optional lunch (If over 10 people register, lunch is on us!)
To register: Contact Chaw Chit, our social enterprise coordinator at or 136 8168 7194


日期与时间:7月11日, 9:00 am- 3:30 pm
价格:500元/ 位 + 100元/ 位 午餐选择 (若有10名以上的报名者,我们将免费提供午餐)


请联系Chaw Chit (杨雨兰),社会企业协调负责人
136 8168 7194