March Newsletter: How time flies in France when learning Bakery!

Adele and Max, our next bakery and pastry teachers, started their journey in France in June 2017. After studying French in Vichy at Cavilam for two months, they spent six months studying French bakery and pastry in Aurillac at EFBPA. During the past seven months, they explored and learnt a lot about French bakery and pastry. This time in France is also a good opportunity for them to immerse themselves in French culture and traditions.
We were curious to learn more about their time in France and they shared with us their feelings after spending seven months in France. They have been through many challenges, especially on a cultural and language side but they put a lot of efforts and enthusiasm to go over difficulties. They realized how much they have learned during the past months.
“One-year study in France is coming to the end. I came to France on June.23, 2017. After two months of Language training in Vichy, I went to Aurillac and started a seven-month French dessert course in EFBPA.
Training in EFBPA includes five months of theoretical and practical learning and two month of internship. We have theoretical training on every Monday and Tuesday. We learn Theory of Dessert, Mathematics, History, French, Operating Management and Applied Science. From Wednesday to Friday, we have dessert practicing course. In the past few months, I’ve learnt not only knowledge of dessert, but also how to deliver courses as well as how to communicate with students. To find out a better way to communicate with students is what a SYB teacher should do.
I feel very lucky to join the seven months training. I really appreciate the students and teachers who have helped me. Beside school activities, I also take MOF courses, and this benefited me a lot. I should say thank you to principal, teachers and staff in EFBPA.
Then my internship started. I’m working for Proumen, a bakery downtown. I’ve learnt and seen a lot here. I’m learning cake making and decorating skills here and witness varieties of cakes every day: Lemon shaped mousse cake, fruit flavored mousse cake, etc. I’m very happy of working here.
I should say thanks to SYB for providing me this opportunity. I also thank the teachers and students I met in France.” said Adele.
“Thanks SYB staff and volunteers for taking care of me. How time flies! Seven months of life in Aurillac is coming to an end. I remember when I just arrived in Aurillac, everything was strange to me and my French was not good. I worried about my life there. In the first month, everything was very hard. I can’t understand theoretical course, and I didn’t know what to do at weekends. Luckily my teachers and classmates are very kind and friendly. They helped me on courses and explained my doubts with patient. They also taught me how to express myself with simple words. Gradually, I got used to life there, and caught up the rate of course progress. I hung out with friends, played bowling and went jogging. I love French life and French food and especially all kinds of cheese.
Besides learning theory and skill, it is more important for me to learn how to be a teacher. I prepared with my teacher before class, demonstrated during class, and summarized after class. During my internship, though I have to get up at 2:00 a.m. every day for work, I am very happy to see people come to our bakery every morning and buy bread made by me. Some messieurs have come into operating room, shake my hand and say “Bonjour!” this is my happiest moment. Internship has improved my bakery skills, and let me know how a traditional bakery works.
Though the training is very short, I’ve learnt a lot. My French is improved, and skill is polished. I’ve made so many new friends. The training in Paris will begin soon. I cheer myself up for the new journey!” said Max.
It is now time for them to go to Paris and to experience internship. From mid-March to mid-June, Adele will intern at Au Petit Versailles du Marais and Max will intern at L’Académie du Pain. These two bakeries have been opened by Christian Vabret. After receiving the title of MOF – Meilleur Ouvrier de France («best craftman of France») in 1986, M. Vabret created and opened the EFBPA in 1990.
On the behalf of Adele and Max, SYB’s future students, I would like to thank Mr. Christian Vabret and all EFBPA team for giving them this opportunity to study in France and to learn so much. They will be back soon and from September they will hand down French Bakery knowledge to future Chinese bakers.
Program Director
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