French baker Pascal Tepper shares his “Master’s skills” with SYB Students 法国烘焙大师Pascal Tepper和海上青焙坊学员分享烘焙技术

French baker Pascal Tepper shares his “Master’s skills” with SYB Students

On Sunday May 11th, right after he landed in Shanghai, Master baker Pascal Tepper gave the Young Bakers the privilege of a half-day-long demo class in our baking center.

Pascal Tepper is one of the few French bakers having been awarded the “MOF – Meilleur Ouvrier de France”, a highly selective award which he won in 2000. The MOF competition is hold only every 4 years and aims at discerning the best craftsman in 162 categories, including bakery.

Pascal Tepper had prepared four original recipes and asked the students to split into four groups to work together. During the five hours class, the students, very impressed, followed his instructions, strongly focused, taking notes, and listening carefully to his precious advice.

While bread and brioche were baking, Pascal Tepper shared his “path” as a baker. Indeed, Pascal was born in a family of bakers, his father and grandfather being both bakers themselves. After having run the family bakery for many years, in 2000 he was named “MOF” by former French president Jacques Chirac. He now owns two bakeries in the north of France as well as two in Dubai, and is opening new shops in Qatar and Abu Dhabi. He mentioned as well his wish to expand his activity in Asia in the near future.

Before our baking center started filling with delicious flavors of freshly baked breads, SYB students were able to ask him some technical questions about the art of baking. At the end of the session, we all had the privilege to taste the delicious products made.

Thanks again to Master baker Pascal Tepper for taking the time to share his passion with the Young Bakers !

法国烘焙大师Pascal Tepper和海上青焙坊学员分享烘焙技术

5月11日,周日,刚刚在上海着陆,烘焙大师Pascal Tepper就赶到了海上青焙坊的烘焙中心为学员们上了一节为期半天的演示课程。

Pascal Tepper 是为数不多的曾被授予“MOF-法国最佳面点师”称号的法国烘焙师。他于2000年获得这个竞争性极强的奖项。 MOF比赛每4年举办一次,并致力于选拔包括烘焙在内的162个领域的最佳手艺人。

Pascal Tepper准备了四种配方并让学员们分成4组工作。在5个小时的课程中,学生们都非常专注,忙着做笔记并认真倾听着大师宝贵的建议。

当布里奥等面包都在烤箱中时,Pascal Tepper和同学们分享了他作为一名烘焙师一路走来的成长印记。的确,Pascal出生于烘焙世家,她的父亲和祖父都曾是烘焙师。在经营了自己的烘焙店多年之后,他于2000年被法国前总统雅克希拉克评为最佳面点师。他目前在法国南部和迪拜各拥有两家面包店并即将在卡塔尔和阿布扎比开设新的面包店。他同时也表示希望能够在不久的将来在亚洲拓宽市场。

在面包出炉之前,海上青焙坊的学员们向Pascal Tepper就烘焙艺术咨询了一些技术问题。在课程最后,大家都品尝到了美味的面包。

再次感谢Pascal Tepper在百忙之中和海上青焙坊的学生们分享了他对面包的热爱!