暮春暖阳——记2013年SYB趣味运动会 A Fun Game Between SYB and Fudan Students


活动开始之前,活动负责人杨郑晶,家园活动部志愿者已经守候在活动举行的地点,并且为大家准备好了饮用水和一些简单的零食以及奖品。下午一点半,随着SYB 成员的到达,我们的趣味运动会在主持人张艳和张陆海的宣布下,正式开始了。




三个小时后,我们的活动接近尾声,大家在稍事休息收拾完遗留在草坪上的垃圾后,来到了复旦婚纱照圣地吕志和楼前来拍摄活动照片。在一声声响亮欢乐的”SYB,GO GO GO !!!” 的呐喊声中,我们的笑脸定格在了相机中,活动也正式宣布了结束。


On April 28th, under the supervision of Ms. Quan, the social educator, a fun game between SYB and Fudan Students took place on the lawn in front of Zibin Building.

Yang Zhengjing, who was in charge of this game, and the volunteers had prepared some drinks and snacks. When the SYB students arrived at 13:30,hosts Zhang Yan and Zhang Luhai officially announced the start of the fun game. The game included rope skipping, paper tossing, three-legged race, and balloon blowing, all of which required both individual skills and cooperation with team members. Volunteers and SYB students mixed into two teams and competed for each game. Everyone was excited though they both won and lost.

The punishment for the loser was also interesting. Some boys did push-ups while girls performed jazz dance and Indian dance. Their vibrant or elegant dance attracted great attention. Walkers often turned their eyes to the little exciting group. The colorful balloons on the road became a perfect background.

The first competition was rope skipping. Volunteers and SYB students got familiar with each other after this warming-up activity. The fun game gradually reached its climax in the following sessions. Li Haowen, a volunteer from Fudan University exhibited superb skills in stamping balloons with his flip-flops and brought his team to a big win.

Three hours later, the end of the fun game was approachng. After a short rest, we cleaned up the grass and went to the beautiful Lvzhihe building, the holy place for wedding photo, to take a group picture. Shouting out the slogan “SYB GO GO GO”, everyone gave a big smile, marking the end of the fun game.

Written by TIAN Yunru