XIAO Jinjin: How a brilliant 1st batch student became Technical Manager of SYB Social Enterprise 肖金金:如何从第一届优秀毕业生成为海上青焙坊社会企业的技术经理

XIAO JINJIN: How a brilliant 1st batch student became Technical Manager of SYB Social Enterprise


Ever since she joined SYB as a young student in 2009, Xiao Jinjin has always been very busy, but never so much as now that she has been officially chosen to take the lead as SYB’s Commercial Activities Technical Manager

As a charity program, SYB relies largely on the sponsors and other foundations to operate, but created its own Social Enterprise en 2011, in order to become more financially independent. In 2015, after SYB decided to place more emphasis on its commercial activities, Xiao Jinjin was nominated as the Technical Manager of SYB Social Enterprise.



SYB has been shaping Xiao Jinjin’s life for the past 7 years, and now SYB is growing also thanks to her.

Coming from Anhui province, and first recommended by ChiHeng Fondation, Xiao Jinjin is a brilliant student from the 1st batch of SYB. In 2010, after half a year learning French, Xiao Jinjin was sent to Ecole Française de Boulangerie et de Patisserie d’Aurillac (EFBPA) together with two other SYB graduates, to further her studies in traditional French baking.  She chose to specialize in pastry, and obtained the French baking certificate (C.A.P) in six months. After returning to Shanghai, she began her mission as SYB’s Pastry teacher.


Xiao Jinjin brought back the essence of pastry from her class in France and she emphasized on the respect of recipe, as she said “bakery requires rules and guidelines”. On her class, she also sets a high hygiene standard. She is now an experienced pastry trainer and some of her students are following her steps by aspiring to further their studies in France to become trainers at SYB. This is like a tradition that laid the foundation of SYB, maintaining a highly qualified professional bakery education and keeping the core value of charity.

肖金金把在法国烘焙课学到的精神带进课堂,严格按配方走,因为“烘焙本来就是需要遵循规则和规范的”。在她的课堂上,还要遵守严格的卫生标准。 她是一个富有经验的老师,现在她的一些学生也完成了在法国的学习,和她一样回到海上青焙坊来教学,这就像是生生不息的传承,保持着SYB的一贯的法式烘焙专业技术和慈善内核。

Since Xiao was named as Commercial Activities Technical Manager, she embraces this new role with passion. She now has a tight schedule with organizing and supervising the commercial activities. She plans the production of catering orders, leads corporate teambuilding workshops and manages monthly public classes in the training center. Even if she often needs to work overtime and finishes the order sometimes late at night, this stress and intense work haven’t reduced her motivation. She is passionate about everything that can help with SYB program and help those in-needs who want to make a change in life just like her. She says, “The Social Enterprise’s commercial activities enable the SYB program to develop sustainably and to give disadvantaged students the chance to develop a skill. Ordering our bread baskets, or participating in the public classes and teambuilding activities directly support our charity program.”


This month, Xiao Jinjin just came back from a new trip to France. She took advantage of her stay to further her knowledge in her favorite Western pastries, and bring back original ideas and advanced baking skills to SYB. 
We would like to thank Xiao Jinjin for her dedication and professionalism and encourage all of you to come to her classes to meet her! 
