Thanks to your vote SYB will be one of the beneficaries of Chi Fan for Charity 2014! 感谢您的投票和支持!SYB成为了Chi Fan for Charity2014年的受益项目!

Thank you for your vote! SYB has become the beneficary of Chi Fan for Charity of 2014!

SYB is pleased to inform you that we have been selected as one of the beneficaries of Chi Fan for Charity(CFFC) this year.We would like to thank every voter for your great support to SYB program! Now book a seat and eat for charity!

CFFC invites some of Shanghai’s best restaurants to prepare a special menu accompanied by a selection wines that accompany the meal. Many of the tables are hosted by some of Shanghai’s best known personalities, some by associations and others by groups of friends. Interested individuals can buy seats at these tables through the Chi Fan for Charity website. The per seat prices range from 500 RMB to 1,500 RMB, and tables seat 10 guests.For more information about CFFC, please visit:

Want to do more for SYB? Click here to book the tickets and eat this coming autumn!

感谢您的投票和支持!SYB成为了Chi Fan for Charity2014年的受益项目!

海上青焙坊很荣幸地告诉大家,我们成为了Chi Fan for Charity(CFFC)2014年的受益项目。谨代表SYB全体成员对所有支持者表示最诚挚的感谢!

