The Young Bakers’ yearly traditional outing to the Bund 海上青焙坊年度外滩行

The Young Bakers’ yearly traditional outing to the Bund


There are some traditions that cannot be avoided and that we are proud to organize. Every year SYB’s first outing with the students is the visit of the Bund. The Bund is what anyone wants to see when coming to Shanghai for the first time; its view of the high rise building in Pudong is the symbol of modernism, to the Young Bakers it is the symbol of being part of it and the possibilities for their future!


On Sunday, September 4th, the Young Bakers took the subway for the first time to reach the famous East Nanjing Road where we all met. This year some ADIS volunteers (Associazone Donne Italiane Shanghai): the Italian Women’s Association in Shanghai joined our outing and shared with the students this exciting moment. The streets were really busy and we all walked down to the Bund. With a shinny sun, students took a lot of pictures, the famous Peace Hotel, the Oriental Pearl TV Tower and the skylines seen so many times on TV. After many selfies and group pictures, we all walked back on East Nanjing Road to have a lunch together, the occasion to taste Shanghai local food, quite different of the food they were used to eat.

9月4日星期天,学员们第一次乘坐地铁来到了著名的南京东路汇合。今年,海上青焙坊诚邀了ADIS(上海意大利女性协会)的一些志愿者一同加入郊游,与他们一起分享学生们的激动时刻。我们沿着繁华的南京东路走到了外滩。由于当日晴空万里,学员们照了许多照片,比如说著名的和平饭店,东方明珠,以及之前只在电视上看到过的天际线。 在拍了许多的照片后,海上青焙坊的团队与学员们选择了上海菜作为当日的午餐;对于学员们来说上海菜不同于家乡的味道,这也是他们第一次品尝到上海菜。

After lunch, students walked in direction of People Square. On their way, they discovered some of the SYB partner hotels, such as the Sofitel Shanghai Hyland, and realized that, in few weeks, some of them will be doing their internship at one of these high-end hotels.


The Young Bakers got a really good time and it demonstrates SYB team spirit!



Program Director 


