SYB 2015 July Newsletter – 海上青焙坊2015年7月简报月刊

The 7th Batch of Young Bakers has Graduated!


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Monday, July 20th 2015 is a day the 30 Young Bakers from the 7th batch will not forget: after the accomplishment of this one-year training in French bakery they are finally graduating and about to start their new life as bakers!

After meeting different companies interested in hiring motivated and qualified bakers in the afternoon during the Career Fair organized by the SYB team, each one of the Young Bakers ended with several employment opportunities and a bright future ahead.

On the same day, Vice Consul of France in Shanghai M. Bernard Nedélec gave us the honor of his presence with opening the Graduation Ceremony of the 7th batch of Young Bakers, by thanking the SYB teachers for their amazing work and the students for their perseverance and outstanding results after this one-year training.

It was also a chance for us to officially introduce the two new SYB teachers, Zhang Shuai and Jin Huizi, both graduates from the program who studied at our partner school EFBPA in France, and will be teaching from this September on. Among the surprises of that evening, participants wrote their wishes to the Young Bakers on a beautiful tree and everyone could be photographed at the photo booth set on the beautiful rooftop terrace of Anken Green.

In addition to the delicious French sweet and savory goods baked by our teachers for the occasion, the highlight of the evening was certainly, for each person in the audience, the moment when the Young Bakers introduced themselves, each one expressing their feeling about SYB and hopes for the future, and when they sang “Here comes the sun” with the lyrics adapted to their story at SYB. From the moment they all came on stage, the room went completely quiet as everyone was amazed with their progress in English, moved by their wishes for the future and their voices united to share the same dream: to become an excellent baker and provide a living for their family and themselves.
晚会上美味的各色美味甜点都出自我们自己的老师之手,除此之外,让观众们大为感叹的还有学员们在英语上的进步。晚会的高潮由学员们的英语展示和歌曲合唱掀起,他们先是轮流用英语进行自我介绍,表达他们对海上青焙坊的情感和未来展望;随后用一曲经过改编的英文歌曲“太阳升起(Here comes the sun)”, 回顾了自己一年来的学习生活, 表达了希望成为优秀的烘焙师,为家里分担经济困难的愿望,现场观众无不动容。

On behalf of the Young Bakers and the SYB team, I would like to thank each one of you who came to support and witness the start of their new life and everyone who has been supporting them throughout the year, giving them the opportunity to get out of the poverty cycle. We wish the Young Bakers to keep learning and improve every day and a bright career as bakers!

Emilie, Program Director
艾米莉 项目总监