Food and Life: big dream leads great achievement 食品与生活:让梦想成就伟业

Food and Life: big dream leads great achievement – interview Mr. Jean de Lataillade, President of Lesaffre Greater China

201602 食品与生活- 让梦想成就伟业,访乐思福集团大中华总裁

前不久,从印尼雅加达传来了令许多中国烘焙界人士振奋的消息,在“路易•乐斯福杯”全球烘焙师大赛亚太区总决赛上,中国代表队以总分第一的骄人成绩击败了来自韩国、澳大利亚、越南以及印度尼西亚的烘焙师代表队, 成功晋级2016 年2 月在法国巴黎举办的“烘焙世界杯(CMB)”总决赛。中国代表队的三名队员分别是全国赛法棍和花样欧包组的冠军张政海、全国赛羊角和甜面包组的冠军许志亮、全国赛艺术面包组的冠军周斌。

作为国际烘焙界的至高赛事,“烘焙世界杯”创始于1992 年,创办的初衷是让选手借比赛观摩不同的技术层次,并互相竞争,提高技术水平和烘焙产品的品质。起初比赛只限于法国国内选手,由于赛事的高质量和高水准,越来越多地区的烘焙师希望参与其中,比赛范围也逐渐从法国拓展到了全球多个地区,现已成为一项获得全球公认的、设定行业基准的世界性烘焙比赛。

Not long ago, heart-stirring news from Djakarta lighted up people in the bakery industry, in the Louis Lesaffre Cup international selection rounds for Asia-Pacific, China team emerged as the first winner with their exceptional performances during the competition. China is now on the list of 12 countries qualified to compete in the 2016 Bakery World Cup. China team consists of three winners of the China national selection, SYB bakery trainer Zhenghai Zhang (Breads candidate), Zhiliang Xu (Viennese pastries candidate), Bin Zhou (Artistic piece candidate).

Launched in 1992, The Coupe du Monde de la Boulangerie is a highly challenging competition aimed at developing the quality of bread throughout the world and promoting the baking profession. This most prestigious bakery contest in the world is not only a contest, but also a peaceable meeting of the baking minds of the world.

作为“烘焙世界杯”的选拔赛, “路易•乐斯福杯”全球烘焙师大赛分为区域选拔赛、国家选拔赛以及国际选拔赛,参赛者需要经历各区域严格激烈的选拔才能最终拥有角逐烘焙世界杯的资格,尽管比赛过程激烈繁复,然而所有的烘焙师都视进入此项赛事选拔为至高无上的光荣。

作为乐斯福集团大中华区总裁, 戴亚德先生一路见证着选手们从中国区预选赛到中国区总决赛,再到参加亚太区总决赛最终夺魁,我们就此对他进行了专访,请他谈谈对比赛看法以及对中国选手的期许。

Louis Lesaffre Cup is the primary selection of the Bakery World Cup, during the international selection rounds, nine most talented teams will be picked out by the jury of experts. It is a crowning glory for every baker to be able to fight his way into the competition. 

As President of Lesaffre Greater China, Mr. Jean de Lataillade, was there to witness the candidates’ advance from the pre-selection to the final. We had the great opportunity to interview Mr. Jean de Lataillade and talk about the competition and his expectations for the Chinese candidates with him.

Dialogue with Mr. Jean de Lataillade


How Lesaffre supported the three Chinese candidates to be prepared for the Asia-Pacific selection rounds?

The candidates were trained in Lesaffre Shanghai baking center under the guidance of the Pastry & Bakery Master Chef Dominique. From July to September, the candidates were trained every two weeks under the lead of Siu Jung Au Yang, the senior bakery consultant of Lesaffre, from October, we intensify the training by one time every weekend. 

Besides rendering full support hosting Louis Lesaffre Cup in China, as an enterprise, how do Lesaffre sustain the healthy sustainable development of Chinese bakery industry? And how do Lesaffre support the bakery talent source training?

Lesaffre sustain the development of Chinese bakery industry by providing its baking center and technical consulting. We not only provide recipe and products, but also built the bridge between French and Chinese expertise. 

We saw a social issue of the lack of access to education and training for rural impoverished Chinese youths, and meanwhile, we realized a lack of qualified bakers in China, that’s why Lesaffre sponsor a charity program “Shanghai Young Bakers” who provides marginalized Chinese youths with one year high quality training in bakery and pastry, this is our way to give back to the society. We believe that “Give an orphan some bread, you feed him for a day, teach him how to bake, you feed him for a lifetime”.


乐斯福在1992 年被选为举办烘焙世界杯预选赛的主办方。我们意识到,举办一个类似世界杯的烘焙比赛是寻找最优秀的烘焙师的最佳方式。在法国文化中,健康美味的面包对我们来说至关重要。在中国, 法式以及欧式面包正越来越受欢迎, 因为它们满足了中国消费者安全、健康和营养的需求,也提供给消费者全新的文化体验。中国烘焙行业在过去几年取得了空前的进步,我们也感到中国烘焙师付出的努力有必要得到认可,同时也需要把我们对烘焙事业的热情分享给大众。支持烘焙业在中国的发展是我们的责任,而支持中国队迎战烘焙世界杯是实现这一目标的最佳途径。


选手们在乐斯福上海烘焙中心的烘焙师们和法国巴黎大磨坊的高级烘焙大师多米尼克的指导下进行了培训。在参赛教练——乐斯福高级烘焙顾问欧阳兆雄的带领下,2015 年7 月~ 9 月期间,选手们每两周培训一次,10 月份开始,则每个周末培训一次。






在未来的1 ~ 3 年内,您觉得中国的烘焙行业会有哪些值得关注的变化?贵公司的战略思路会相应地做什么样的调整?


