
传递烘焙希望: 记法国最佳面点师Christian Vabret先生于海上青焙坊烘焙中心的研讨会

11月5日下午,法国最佳面点师(MOF)、法国奥里亚克烘焙学校(EFBPA)校长Christain Vabret 先生访问海上青焙坊烘焙中心,并开展了关于2016年烘焙世界杯的特别研讨会。


一方面着手扩展家族的烘焙产业,一方面努力考取CAP职业技能合格证书。不懈的训练和丰富的比赛经验最终让他于1986 年获得 MOF(法国最佳面点师)殊荣,这在法国代表着对手工艺者最高级的认可。1989年他组织了一支法式烘焙专业团队,并于 1992年举办了首届烘焙世界杯大赛。此外,为了让年轻人能够传承法式烘焙的艺术,Christian创立了他自己的烘焙学校EFBPA(奥里亚克烘焙学校Ecole Française de Boulangerie et Pâtisserie d’Aurillac),如今已是法国最好的面包和甜点学校之一。

“海上青焙坊”是一家为来自困难家庭的17至23岁中国青少年提供一年无偿法式烘焙培训的公益机构,致力于帮助他们在毕业后找到稳定的工作、自力更生。自2009年本项目伊始,Christian Vabret先生便从各方面对提供海上青焙坊大力支持:我们今天得以为学员们提供高质量的烘焙培训,得益于他与我们分享EFBPA(法国奥里亚克烘焙学校)课程培训素材,这套课程是法国政府CAP职业技能合格证书所认证的;我们项目全部5名烘焙老师都曾得到在EFBPA学习半年的机会,并最终获得正式 CAP证书。




Delivering Hope through Baking: MOF Christian Vabret gives a conference at SYB baking center

On November 5th, Christian Vabret, MOF Baker and principal of EFBPA, took the opportunity to make a stop in Shanghai and meet the Young Bakers on his way to Jakarta for the Asian Bakery Competition.

His father being a baker himself, Christian Vabret started learning the traditional French bakery skill at the age of 16 by working in his family business.

While expanding his family business and graduating from the CAP, he trained and attended many competitions, until he successfully obtained the highest recognition in France: MOF (Meilleur Ouvrier de France= Best Craftsman of France) in the bakery skill in the year 1986. In 1989 he founded the French team of French bakery and organized the first edition of the World Bakery Cup in 1992. And in order to continue training the French youth to the art of baking, Christian established his own school, EFBPA (Ecole Française de Boulangerie et Pâtisserie d’Aurillac), which has now become one of the best bakery and pastry schools in France.

Since the program’s launch in 2009, Christian Vabret has been a strong supporter of SYB: by sharing his expertise in the bakery field, he contributed to the high-quality training we are now able to offer to the students. Indeed, the SYB training program follows the EFBPA curriculum, which in France is validated by the CAP diploma. Moreover, all the SYB trainers, both in pastry and bakery, followed the 6-month training at EFBPA and graduated from the institute with the French CAP diploma.

On that afternoon, the Young Bakers listened attentively to Christian sharing about the EFBPA, the World Cup and the art of baking in general, while showing many pictures. It was a great chance for them to see that other students, even 10.000kms away from them, are sharing the same passion and goals! They were also very excited and impressed to learn that Zhang Zhenghai, if winning the Asian World Cup as part of the China team, would be qualified to compete at the World Bakery Cup in Paris next February!