SYB 2017 Feb Newsletter 海上青焙坊2017年2月简报月刊

What can SYB offer to its circle of friends?
Shanghai Young Bakers has been blessed from its day of birth with generous sponsorships and donations from enterprises and individuals. Now about to welcome the arrival of its 10thbatch of trainees in the coming fall, SYB wants to give back more to its circle of friends with some special “treats” to express its gratitude for the supporters.
Treat No.1 – Boost your teaming spirit in a baking kitchen
Longing for a closer camaraderie in your team? Searching for something new outside restaurants and Karaoke? SYB’s baking center can be your next best option. Get your hands dirty with flour and butter, discover hidden talents of your teammates, search for the best baker or decorative artist in a mini-competition, and share later with family and friends what you have prepared with your own hands. Sounds appealing? Contact for a tailor made proposal for your team.
你是不是希望团队更团结、更有战斗力?是不是有点厌烦了聚餐K歌?海上青焙坊的烘焙中心可能是你的下一个最佳选择。亲手和面、抹黄油,发现同事原来还有你不知道的才能,来个迷你竞赛,选出最佳烘焙师或是最有艺术气息的蛋糕装饰,回家和家人朋友一起分享你亲手烘焙的甜点。怎么样,动心了吗?敬请联系 获取为你的团队量身打造的活动建议书。
Treat No. 2 – Indulge in an afternoon tea break with your colleagues 
Every week our students bake an abundant number of bread or desserts, all using high-quality ingredients, most of which are imported from France and donated by our sponsors, such as cream from Elle & Vire and chocolate from Valrhona, considered by French as the best chocolate in the world. As a charity program, we can’t waste all these food and they are ready to be delivered to your address for you and your colleagues to taste. Whether it’s an afternoon tea break, a birthday celebration, or to mark the achievement of a goal, indulge yourselves in these freshly baked bread and desserts. Your taste buds will thank you for the special treat, so will our students.
海上青焙坊的学员每周都要在课堂上烘烤大量的面包或甜点,这些产品全部采用高质原材料,其中大部分都是产自法国,由我们的赞助商捐助的,例如爱乐薇 (Elle & Vire) 黄油、被法国人视为世上最美味的法芙娜 (Valrhona) 巧克力。作为一个公益组织,我们不能浪费这些食物,现在你和你的同事们也可以品尝得到。无论是下午茶休息、庆祝员工生日,还是纪念实现了业务目标,就用这些新鲜出炉的面包和甜点来犒劳一下你和你的团队吧。你的味蕾会感谢你,当然我们的学员也会感谢你。
We have revamped our bakers basket offer with new packaging and reduced price. They are now available in our newly opened Wechat shop, where two sizes (either 10 portions or 20) are available and delivery is done every Thursday. A large box of bread can be as many as this:
Treat No. 3 – Spice up your themed event with savory snacks and decorations
Whether you’re planning an opening ceremony, milestone achievement celebration, annual party, or monthly birthday party for your staff, SYB can always make your special event even more memorable: a 3-D company logo made from fondant, a mascot made of bread, or an edible logo made from rice paper. You name it, we make it!
不管你是在计划开业庆典、庆祝重要业务目标的实现、开年会,还是给每个月过生日的员工开集体派对,海上青焙坊都有办法让你的主题活动更加特别,耐人回味:用枫糖制作公司的三维标识, 用面包制作公司吉祥物,或是用糯米纸打印可以吃的公司标识。只要你想得到,海上青焙坊就能做得到!
Please contact for your next event.
敬请联系 开始准备你的下一次主题活动。
Written by Cindy Wang