SYB Nutrition class conducted successfully 海上青焙坊营养课培训圆满结束

SYB Nutrition training conducted successfully


In addition to the bakery and pastry classes, SYB organized a professional course in nutrition for the students, in order to give them an overview of principles of nutritional science and help them to understand what is a good nutritional balance needed by human and its role in health.  The course was generously supported by healthy restaurant chain Pure & Whole, and was taught by one of their professional nutritionists, Mr Hao.  

为了帮助学员们在学习制作法式面包、西点的同时,能够对食品的营养与人们的健康之间的关系有更多的了解,我们SYB专门开设了营养课,本期培训由来自Pure & Whole素宿餐厅的专业营养学医师郝先生作为志愿者来为我们上课。

During this 3-sessions course, students learnt about nutrient requirements related to growth and health, as well as the importance of vitamins, and the adverse health impact of smoking, drinking and eating junk food.  


We would like to warmly thank Pure & Whole for supporting the Young Bakers through providing this professional training in nutrition, which will help them to start their new life on a healthy note!

 这里我们希望感谢Pure & Whole素宿为海上青焙坊的学生免费进行营养与健康培训,这些营养学知识对同学们今后的工作将起到很好的指导作用并引领他们走向一个健康的新生活。

Zhu Yunyun, Social Educator

朱贇贇, 生活老师