Zhang Zhenghai wins the Louis Lesaffre Cup East & Central China Competition 海上青焙坊张政海老师获“路易乐斯福杯” 华东和华中地区优胜

Zhang Zhenghai wins the Louis Lesaffre Cup East & Central China Competition

海上青焙坊张政海老师获“路易乐斯福杯” 华东和华中地区优胜

It’s the 1st regional competition in China, and 20 candidates from East & Central China attended the competition. The candidates fully showed their talents and professional skills during the competition.

There was a little difference from the other competitions in that the candidates had to present themselves and the art piece, which is a challenge for their presentation skills. And all the candidates did a very good job.

The judges are the R&D Director Alan Tsou from Bread Talk, Park Hyatt Executive Pastry Chef Mr. Ye, Pierre Canivet from Carrefour National Fresh Division Manager, Mrs.Wendy Gan R&D Director from Modern Shanghai Food School. All the judges valued the products of the candidates as well as sharing their suggestions on the products.

In the end, Zhang Zheng Hai, our teacher at Shanghai Young Bakers was the winner of the Baguette category. And he’s going to compete in the China Competition representing the region.





担任本次比赛的评委分别是来自台湾的面包新语研发总监邹文宇先生、上海柏悦酒店西饼房行政总厨叶卫先生、来自法国的家乐福中国-全国生鲜处长Pierre CANIVET先生、上海市现代食品职业技能培训中心技术总监干文华女士。在比赛中,评委对选手的作品做了专业的点评,也对选手从技能上给予了考核及指导。

