Zhang Shuai and Jin Huizi visit France’s biggest mill! 张帅和金会子参观法国第一大磨坊

Zhang Shuai and Jin Huizi visit France’s biggest mill!


“Flour” is such an essential ingredient for bakers that it is among the first words that the Young Bakers study during their English classes, right after learning how to introduce themselves! After a few years of experience in bakery and pastry, Zhang Shuai and Jin Huizi had polished their knowledge of this product, however something was missing for the future SYB teachers: to see with their own eyes the transformation of wheat into flour. They had this unique opportunity on April 14th, thanks to our in-kind sponsor Grands Moulins de Paris (GMP), who opened wide the doors of their mill for us!


We were doubly lucky since our guide for this visit was Dominique Genty, GMP’s master baker and seasoned trainer! Zhang Shuai and Jin Huizi had both met him at the annual master class he gives at SYB and were thrilled to see him again. When we arrived at the site, we stood in awe at the sheer size of the building, France’s biggest mill! We tried to imagine how many tons of wheat are grinded daily in this mill, knowing that French people eat on average 58kg of bread a year!

与此同时我们也有幸由巴黎大磨坊(GMP)经验丰富的训练师兼烘焙师Dominique Genty作为我们的向导! 在其授课的海上青焙坊(SYB)年度大师课堂上有过一面之缘后,张帅和金会子都对于与Genty的再度相见感到分外激动。走近磨坊,我们惊叹于其庞大的规模,真不愧是法国最大的磨坊!鉴于法国人平均每年食用58千克面包,我们不难想见这个磨坊每天就要研磨好几吨的小麦!

The visit started by a tour of GMP’s impressive R&D facilities and testing center. GMP works with a network of wheat producers located in an area of about 100 km around Paris. However, before these producers can deliver their load, they have to comply with a stringent inspection: samples are taken off and the wheat’s properties are carefully controlled by GMP’s experienced analysts. “I had no idea that the chemical properties of the grain were so complex and that there was such a long process before the wheat could even enter the mill!” exclaimed Zhang Shuai.


Genty then showed us around the baking center, where his colleagues and him check that the flour conforms to GMP’s high standards, test new products and develop new recipes for their clients worldwide.


We then went to look at the truck’s incessant procession and were even able to see a barge unloading on the river right behind the mill! After entering the mill, we went down 8 floors filled with buzzing machinery, Zhang Shuai and Jin Huizi carefully listening to Genty’s explanation of the grinding process.


Our visit ended at the export zone: the mill is only the beginning of the journey for the grain of wheat, that will be then loaded in trucks and containers to be sent to bakery professionals and amateurs all around the world.


The bakers’ team then headed to the Ecole de Boulangerie et de Pâtisserie de Paris, a professional bakery school created by GMP in 1929, to end the day with a tour of their facilities. “I’m really glad that we had the opportunity to visit a mill, I can’t wait to share this knowledge with our future students!” said Jin Huizi.

烘焙师们一行随后来到了巴黎烘焙西点学校——一座在1929年由巴黎大磨坊(GMP)创立的专业烘焙学校,在这里我们参观了他们的设备并以此为一天的行程画上句号。金会子表示: “我感到十分荣幸能有机会参观这座磨坊,我等不及要与我未来的学生们分享我的所见所得了!”

Thank you to GMP for their long-standing support to our charity program and in particular to Dominique Genty for being so generous with his precious time!

在此感谢巴黎大磨坊(GMP)对我们慈善项目的大力支持,并衷心感谢Dominique Genty 抽出宝贵时间陪同我们进行参观。

Floriane, SYB advisor

Floriane, 海上青焙坊顾问