Public speaking skills training for SYB Students

On 20th May, under the guidance of the Learning & Development Manager Huang Li from Lesaffre, our 10th batch of students began their training on public speaking skills.


“How can we make people remember us after meeting them only once? We must start with our self-introduction then” –Huang Li. Firstly, under the direction of the trainer, students took turns going forward to introduce themselves. Some of the students had unique introductions, leaving a memorable impression with everyone else. However, most of the students, due to anxiety, did not perform to their utmost. Drawing upon the ‘NIKE’ model, Huang Li gave suggestions for improvements. Teacher Huang combined her lecture and self-introduction, explaining to the students how to analyse the audience and leave them with deep impressions as well as the benefits of conquering our fear of the unknown.
Next, Huang Li presented the complete structure for composing a lecture script and necessary lecture techniques. Lectures are a form of communication with a purpose, they not only require a skilled grasp of technique but also a large amount of practice. For the students to practice live speeches, Huang Li made everyone prepare an opening speech in small groups. All the students daringly used the content they just learnt on their opening speeches: refining novel ideas, utilising various opening techniques, etc… With the help of teacher Huang, the students gradually improved their public speaking skills. Their level of preparation became more and more sufficient, their voice and body language vastly improved. During their round of speeches, teacher Huang gave them the seal of approval.
Lastly, Huang Li gave the students a sincere word of encouragement, hoping that everyone ponder more, accumulate more and practice more, because “great speakers aren’t produced by training, they are forged by experience!”.
The students learnt valuable soft skills that will help them throughout their entire career. We would like to thank Lesaffre for providing our 10th batch of students with this rare opportunity, as well as teacher Huang Li for spending her weekend to help our students. Under the sponsorship of Lesaffre, every one of our students will quickly have the opportunity to put their newly-learnt skills to use.
Qin Pingping
Student Life Management Assistant
Translated by Fang Hong