Public baking classes to support disadvantaged Chinese youth 学习烘焙手艺,用爱传递希望 (转载自 杂志《Caring》)

Public baking classes to support disadvantaged Chinese youth


On February 18th, around 10 trainees learned to make pretzels and cereal bread in a public baking class arranged by Shanghai Young Bakers (SYB). As a Shanghai-based social enterprise, SYB aims to provide free training in French bakery for the marginalized Chinese young people aged between 17 and 23, creating opportunities for them to find jobs and lead independent lives upon graduation. All the proceeds of the classes go towards SYB’s charity program to support the disadvantaged young adults.

Cindy Wang, who is responsible for SYB’s teambuilding services, said the public baking classes could be a great opportunity to expand SYB’s financing channels and promote French bread culture in China. “We are very grateful to the class participants,” she said. “Because they have done something good for themselves and for someone else.”

2月18日,海上青焙坊(Shanghai Young Bakers)举行了农历新年之后的第一堂烘焙公开课。它在邀请大家学习法式烘焙技术的同时,还将课程的全部收益捐赠给支持贫困青少年技能培训和就业工作的慈善项目。作为海上青焙坊的往届学员,从法国进修归来的张帅化身烘焙大师,与大家共同度过了充满温馨和面包芳香的一天。


作者:Chris Wei