China won the first winner in the Louis Lesaffre Cup bakery competition Asia-Pacific selection 中国队问鼎路易·乐斯福杯亚太区决赛赛程回顾

After three days competition, the Louis Lesaffre Cup international selection rounds for Asia-Pacific reached to an end. China team emerged as the first winner with their exceptional performances during the competition. Along with South Korea, the second winning team, China is now on the list of 12 countries qualified to compete in the 2016 Bakery World Cup.

The China team consists of three winners of the China national selection, SYB bakery trainer Zhenghai Zhang (Breads candidate), Zhiliang Xu (Viennese pastries candidate), Bin Zhou (Artistic piece candidate), Mingze Ma is as well part of the China team representing ‘young promise in baker. This top-notch team is leaded by coach Siu Jung Au Yang.


此次背负着如此重任的中国队,是由乐斯福高级烘焙顾问 欧阳兆熊老师带领的烘焙精英组成的,队伍阵容包括:法棍&世界面包竞赛选手张政海、维也纳面包和配方丰富的面包制作竞赛选手许志亮及专攻艺术面包竞赛的周斌,以及中国队“烘焙希望青年”马铭泽。

Began in 1992, the bakery world cup is a premier international, invitational artisan baking competition which bring together the artisan bakers from all over the world to share their  knowledge, promote an exchange on an international stage, reinstate the value of the artisan baking profession. Nine victors in local competitions plus the teams placed first, second, and third in the previous bakery world cup, teams from 12 countries gather in Paris every four years for this huge event for bakers around the world. Each team consists of three members, respectively specializes in   Baguettes and World Bread, Viennese Pastries and Gastronomic Bread Making or Artistic Piece.

Louis Lesaffre Cup is the primary selection of the Bakery World Cup, during the international selection rounds, nine most talented teams will be picked out by the jury of experts. What Chinese team just won last November is the Asia-Pacific selection, during which all teams have to present three specialties (Baguettes and World Bread, Viennese Pastries and Gastronomic Bread Making, and also an Artistic Piece) in 8 hours. The competition is highlighted by the great passion, abundant knowledge and expertise, and amazing creativities presented by five participated countries: Indonesia, Australia, South Korea, China, and Vietnam.



创始于1992年的烘焙世界杯,是由法国国家面包大师(MOF)克里斯提恩·瓦勃烈(Mr. Christian Vabret)发起的烘焙业界的最高水准竞赛,其创办的初衷是让选手借比赛观摩不同的技术层次,并互相竞争,提高技术水平和烘焙产品的品质,促进国际烘焙趋势的交流发展。烘焙世界杯是烘焙业最高等级的赛事,代表着最高水准的烘焙技术与行业趋势。


“路易·乐斯福杯”分为区域选拔赛,国家选拔赛以及国际选拔赛,参赛者需要经历各区域严格激烈的选拔才能最终拥有角逐烘焙世界杯的资格。今年3月,上海,广州 和北京的区域选拔赛分别选拔出了能够代表中国烘焙业界顶级水平的烘焙师参加5月13日的国家选拔赛。最终突破重围,脱颖而出的全国冠军选手则在经过国外大师专业密训后,代表中国参战了本次亚太区域的比赛。

Zhang Zhenghai rounded out the team in the baguette and bread of the world category


China team and their showcase


But this is just the beginning of the story, Zhenghai Zhang and this energetic China team are now ready to embark on their new adventure: The World Bakery Cup! Hold in February, the World Bakery Cup is already on its one month count down, we look forward to see more of our China team’s amazing moments in Paris! Keep following us for the follow-up report of the competition!


