Afternoon of fun with the Fudan University students!与复旦大学的学生共同度过的午后!

Afternoon of fun with the Fudan University students !


On November 9th, the SYB students visited Fudan University and learnt about its history through several games. It was also a great chance to make new friends.


Read this unforgettable memory, written by the students of Fudan university and CDC.



It was the first time I met you, but it felt like you were an old friend of mine.


the memory of attending a volunteer activity of Shanghai Young Bakers


The activity of Shanghai Young Bakers (SYB) finally began at 13:30 on November 9th, for which were responsible Wang Xiaoyu (minister) and Zhang Min (vice minister) and which had been planned for three weeks by the students of Charity Development Center (CDC). Because the volunteers were new members and that it was the first time for them to visit Fudan University, we prepared an activity named Fudan Orientation. . During this event, there were different games to help the SYB students know and appreciate more Fudan University.


The students of CDC arrived at the main entrance of Fudan University, at 12:30 and a little early to prepare for the coming event. Then, we welcomed the students of SYB, who were lead by Zhang Jun Min, the education coordinator of SYB. Then, the activity officially began and everybody enjoyed the game of riddles in front of the statue. The different groups of SYB showed great passion, especially in the quiz competition. . Later, these teams set out in order according to the competitive outcome of the formal game. Volunteers found the next destination based on clues and left for that place with each team accompanied by a person from CDC.

在毛像前,大家进行了有趣的猜谜语游戏。SYB的各组成员们,表现积极踊跃参加,尤其在抢答题环节,气氛空前热烈。根据猜谜游戏的结果分出优胜,按照顺序先后出发,SYB的小伙伴们则根据提示找出下一个地点,同时前往那个地点。每一组都会有一个公益发展中心的同学作为领队。 在相辉堂前,大家玩了纸杯传水的游戏,洒落的水珠,银铃般的笑声,记录了最美的回忆;在校史馆,大家认识了五个书院的创始人,小小的惩罚也伴随着笑语欢声;在老校门,大家领略了复旦的历史,也玩了欢脱的游戏;在四教,大家玩了“虎克船长就是你”的小游戏;在逸夫楼,飞扬的气球,“砰”的气球破裂声,也随着大家的笑声一起飞向高空!在理图,大家将最美的笑脸定格在这一刻;在卿云楼,北风中哗哗作响的报纸向大家招手,等着大家带他们前行;在曦园,那个高高的亭子上,大家尽情模仿,将喜怒哀乐的表情做的真实而生动;在星空咖啡馆,大家给未来的自己写下一封最美的情书!

Subsequently, every person played the game of passing water though cups in front of Xiang Hui hall. With the falling drops, euphonious laughs, we shared the most beautiful memory; everybody recognized the founders of five academies at the School History Museum when small punishments were associated with laughing; we learned the history of Fudan University and had a good time at the old gate; we played the game of the Captain Hook in the 4th building; the balloons flewwith the melodious laugh in front of Yifu building; everyone’s sweetest smile was imprinted in the brain when we gathered at the library; the game of newspapers were waited to be noticed and enjoyed by us in the wind at Qinyun Building; everybody tried to mimic vividly to express happiness and sadness in the pavilion at Xi Garden; We wrote a moving love letter to our future selves at the Starry Cafe.


Later on, we sat on the lawn of Dan Garden and chatted about the future. Meanwhile, the students of CDC enjoyed the game of passing water though cups too. The volunteers of SYB played the final game of “One Yuan and A Half” with the students of CDC. Although the weather was a little bit cold, our passion was not decreased. This activity illustrated the youth’s energy and Fudan University witnessed the precious memory and long-lasting laughs.


We did not want to go through the farewell but had to face it. After taking photos together, we had to say goodbye.It was the first time I met you, but it felt like you were an old friend of mine. . The slightly postures and warm smiles, when we first met, the profound eyes when you looked back would always be kept in our mind. Also, this good memory would be cherished by us.