Aden Services provides First Aid Training to the SYB students 埃顿服务为SYB学员提供急救培训

Aden Services provides First Aid Training to the SYB students


On the 30th of April, the students of SYB had the great opportunity to receive a first aid training by a senior consultant of Aden Services.

Aden Services is a company that provides essential support services for its clients in sectors such as security and risk management, food and well being or human resources. Interested in cooperating with NGOs, they offered to organize a first-aid training certified by China Red Cross for SYB students.


埃顿服务旨在为客户提供必要的支持服务,包括安保与风险管理,配餐与支持服务以及人力管理解决方案。同时,埃顿服务一直积极寻求开展与NGO 的合作,例如这次为SYB学员提供由中国红十字会认证的急救培训。

William Dong, senior consultant for Health and Nutrition at Aden Services, made quite an impression on the students when he entered the classroom with a big metallic suitcase and bags full of first aid kits for an afternoon of serious training in a fun atmosphere.

After distributing the first aid kits to the students, who were all very eager to find out what was inside, the training started and the students learned about what to do in various emergency situations. They all listened very carefully and took notes as William Dong explained the different steps to follow when an accident occurs.

William Dong,埃顿服务的健康与营养高级顾问,一进教室,学员们就注意到了他带来的大号金属旅行箱和各种各样的急救箱。这些道具使这次课程严肃专业,但又而不乏乐趣。


After the theory comes the practice and soon the students also had the opportunity to learn the right way to perform Cardiopulmonary resuscitation. After explaining the theory and showing a video, William Dong opened the big metallic suitcase and revealed its content: a human dummy on which to perform compressions and ventilations!

The students first watched the trainer performed the series of thirty compressions followed by two ventilations as he also explained about the right position to adopt and the correct frequency. After watching with great attention how to perform the resuscitation, it was time for the students to save the dummy! One after the other, they all performed six series of thirty compressions and two ventilations, under the supervision of the trainer, who corrected their position and their technique.

理论知识讲解结束后,就到了实践操作技能培训环节。实践的项目包括:如何正确地进行心肺复苏。在这个环节, William先进行了基本理论铺垫和视频展示,接着终于打开了那只神秘的大号金属旅行箱。原来里面是专门用来练习胸部按压和人工呼吸的人体模型。首先,William进行了教学演示。“三十次胸部按压加两次人工呼吸,为一个心肺复苏周期”,他一边操作一边讲解正确按压部位与频率。学员们认真观摩,并挨个进行了六组心肺复苏练习,助教在一旁悉心指导、纠正错误。

At the end of the day, they were all very happy to have learned such important knowledge and to have been able to practice the skills that will be useful to their future life and career. The students and the team of Shanghai Young Bakers would like to give a warm thanks to William Dong and Lina from Aden Services for transmitting their knowledge to our students!



Anaïs, Partnerships


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