伊莎莉卡烘焙网:“记5.25•海上青焙坊‘面包王国之旅’” Yeslicake:“A record of SYB ‘Journey to the land of bread’, May 25th”


5月25日,面包和法语爱好者们齐聚上海法语培训中心,参加由海上青焙坊(Shanghai Young Bakers 以下简称SYB)举办的“面包王国之旅”活动。伊莎莉卡烘焙网受邀以媒体身份出席了活动,下面由小编来为各位亲们一一解说活动当天的盛况吧。






上海法语培训中心目前慷慨的为张帅和金会子提供免费的法语培训课程,他们两人都希望能够好好珍惜这个宝贵的机会。在法国奥里亚克烘焙学校的法语授课项目对张帅和金会子来说并不轻松,为了使两人能够更好地适应当地的环境,CAVILAM-Alliance Francaise of Vichy 会在他们抵达法国中部之后继续为他们提供为期两个月的高强度法语培训。








活动结束时林兰说:“在中法建交50周年之际,以帮助中国贫困青少年为宗旨的公益组织海上青焙坊和像上海法语培训中心这样的机构之间的合作变得更加有意义。感谢上海法语培训中心、CAVILAM 和法国航空公司这些有社会责任感的公司,它们的帮助让我们能够通过烘焙作公益!”



Yeslicake:“A record of SYB ‘Journey to the land of bread’, May 25th”

On May 25th, bread enthusiasts and fans of the French language gathered at the Alliance Française of Shanghai for a “Journey to the land of bread”, organized by the charity program Shanghai Young Bakers. Yeslicake was invited to attend the event as media. Let me introduce you to the spectacular event that day!

SYB program manager Floriane shared the history and current developmental situation of SYB with all the guests. Founded in 2008, Shanghai Young Bakers (SYB) is a charity program providing a fully-sponsored French bakery training to disadvantaged Chinese youth (aged 17-23), enabling them to find qualified jobs and lead independent lives after graduation.

Bakery and pastry classes are currently taught by three graduates from the first enrollment of the charity program. Based on their outstanding capabilities, they were selected to study French at the Alliance Française of Shanghai before they left for France where they successfully graduated from the French school of Bakery and Pastry of Aurillac. The three of them have been teaching SYB students since their return to Shanghai in August 2011. In order to ensure the long-term sustainability of the program, SYB will send again two of its most promising students to France to further their bakery training. This mid-June, Ines and Julien will fly to Paris with the support of Air France to « savor the voyage of a lifetime. »

Currently following French classes generously offered by the Alliance Française of Shanghai, Ines and Julien both wish to make the best out of this rare and precious opportunity. Following bakery classes taught in French at the French School of Bakery and Pastry of Aurillac still wouldn’t be a piece of cake without the support of the CAVILAM-Alliance Française of Vichy. The school will complete their French language training by offering two months of intensive French studies upon their arrival in the middle of France.

During this event, Ines and Julien shared their stories and showed to everyone how to make Baguette and brioche to everyone. SYB also prepared many small interactive French style bread makingworkshops, DIY cake decoration, face to face talk with graduates, introduction to SYB organization, etc….

A lucky draw was also organized for all the participants as a fundraiser for SYB. Floriane encouraged everyone to take part in it as a gesture of support to the charity program.

She then closed the event by saying: “In this year marking the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between France and the People’s Republic of China, the cooperation between a charity program helping underprivileged Chinese youth and French organizations such as the Alliance Française, CAVILAM and Air France is all the more meaningful. Thanks to these social-minded companies we can bake it happen!”

The author of this article thinks that events such as the “Voyage au Pays du Pain” are very meaningful and show us different aspects of the future developments of bakery. We wish all the best to the two SYB graduates who are going to France to further their bakery studies and hope that SYB will develop smoothly and get more and more support from bakers!
